Conferences and seminars
- (Invited talk) Research Seminar, Copenhagen Business School (Denmark).
- (Research stay) Research Seminar, WU Vienna (Austria).
- INFORMS Marketing Science, Chicago Booth (USA).
- ISMS Marketing Science Doctoral Colloquium, Chicago Booth (USA).
- EMAC Special Session, Corvinus University of Budapest (Hungary).
- EMAC Doctoral Colloquium, Corvinus University of Budapest (Hungary).
- SOM PhD Conference, University of Groningen (The Netherlands).
- RUG CIC Seminar with industry partners, Utrecht (The Netherlands).
- INFORMS Marketing Science, University of Rochester (USA).
- EMAC Special Session, ESIC university (Spain).
- EMAC Doctoral Colloquium, ESIC university (Spain).
- SOM PhD Conference, University of Groningen (The Netherlands).
- SatRday, “Scraping the internet with R”, Uber Amsterdam (The Netherlands).